Latter-day Saint Voices: A Season of Celebration
December 2000

“Latter-day Saint Voices: A Season of Celebration,” Liahona, Dec. 2000, 42–46

Latter-day Saint Voices:

A Season of Celebration

Christmas, President Gordon B. Hinckley reminds us, “began with the singing of angels at Bethlehem.” We sometimes forget, however, that the life we celebrate at Christmas “ended on Golgotha’s cruel cross.” President Hinckley observes that “there would be no Christmas if there had not been Easter. The babe Jesus of Bethlehem would be but another baby without the redeeming Christ of Gethsemane and Calvary, and the triumphant fact of the Resurrection” (“The Wondrous and True Story of Christmas,” Liahona, December 2000, 4, 6). • This season of celebration reminds us that, because of the Savior, love is ultimately more powerful than hate, life’s joys transcend its pain and sorrow, and simple acts of kindness and compassion can change hearts. In the following pages, we glimpse in the lives of Latter-day Saints the power for good “the wondrous and true story of Christmas” can have for each of us—if we but let it.
