October 2001

“Comment,” Liahona, Oct. 2001, 1


Enjoys Liahona’s Moral Content

For some time I have received the Liahona (Italian) from some Latter-day Saint friends. I enjoy reading it very much. It contains beautiful messages of good moral content, especially family values. I think the articles are good for all of us, whatever our religion might be.

Vincenzo Cerceo,
A friend of the Church in Trieste, Italy

God Has Traced the Design

In the face of terrible trials, just one thing counts: to have the faith, the will, and the strength to follow God.

Job submitted to God. In the days of his pain, he learned to know himself and to know God. God’s purpose was to bless him in the end. He healed Job, restored him completely, and restored to him what he had lost.

God works as if our lives were a work of embroidery. We see only the back of the piece—the tied and cut threads. He has a view of the whole work. He has traced the design and has included the black threads that make the vibrant colors beautiful.

Guy A. Madec,
Evreux Branch, Caen France District

Examples of Faith and Devotion

Through A Liahona (Portuguese), we get to know about Church members all across the world. In spite of our differences in academic, social, or cultural circumstances, we can see how the knowledge and testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ have influenced their lives. Their examples of faith and devotion then influence our lives for good.

Leonilda Venturini,
Matão Ward, Campinas Brazil Castelo Stake

A Connection to All That Is Good

When I was baptized in 1976 in Córdoba, Argentina, I started collecting copies of the Liahona (Spanish). Although my life has taken me to different places, I have never been without my beloved magazines. The Liahona contains answers, just as the scriptures do. In the various stages of my life and in my various callings and assignments, I have always been able to go to the Liahona for comfort, guidance, inspiration, lesson support, missionary gifts, and companionship. Thank you for being my connection to all that is good.

Luisa Cecilia Bonnet de Bamio,
Nueva Segovia Ward, Barquisimeto Venezuela Stake
