“Sharing Time: Promised Blessings,” Liahona, Oct. 2001, 12–13
Sharing Time:
Promised Blessings
“I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise” (D&C 82:10).
Romero had been looking forward to this day. He and his mother planned to go to the park. But before they could leave, his mother was called away to help a sick neighbor. Romero’s mother promised they would go to the park when she returned if he would do some chores while she was gone. Romero said he would.
After his mother left, Romero started to do the things she had asked him to do. Then his friend José came by. Romero remembered his mother’s promise that they would go to the park if he was obedient. He told José he couldn’t play because he had work to do. Romero’s mother was happy when she found he had done what she asked. She kept her promise, and they spent the afternoon at the park.
Sometimes our Father in Heaven asks us to do certain things and promises us blessings if we do them. Although we do not always receive the blessings immediately or even in this life, we will receive them if we are obedient.
One of the things Heavenly Father asks us to do is listen to the prophets and follow their teachings. If we do what they ask, our lives will be blessed.
In general conference each April and October, the prophet speaks to us for Heavenly Father. It is important to listen and do the things he asks us to do. Our prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley, has asked us to be more like the Savior by being more forgiving and considerate. He has asked us to be obedient to our parents and kinder to our families. He has asked us to have family home evening and to pray and thank Heavenly Father for our blessings. He has taught us that our prayers are answered.
If we do what the prophet asks us to do, we will be doing what Heavenly Father wants us to do, and we will receive many blessings. Heavenly Father always keeps His promises.
Find out what the prophet and apostles have asked us to do to help strengthen our families (see the January and July issues of the Liahona; see also “Hallmarks of a Happy Home,” pages 2–9 of this issue of the Liahona). Write some of these things on the large stones on the path on page 13. Cut out the house and pathway, and glue them onto heavy paper. Fold along the broken lines, and form a house. Glue each tab to the back edge of the corresponding part of the house (see illustration). Glue the pathway to the bottom of the house so that it leads to the door. When you do something written on one of the stones, color the stone.
![A home](https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/content/images/gospel-library/magazine/liahonlp.nfo:o:fb5.jpg)
Illustrated by Thomas S. Child
Sharing Time Ideas
President Hinckley has asked us to keep the Sabbath holy. Divide into two groups. Have one group think of things they should do on Sunday. Have the second group think of things they do on Saturday to get ready for Sunday. Have the members of each group take turns acting out these things. Have the other group guess what they are doing. Remind them that when we do good things on the Sabbath, we are keeping a commandment and will feel closer to Heavenly Father.
Collect 10 to 15 small sticks, and label a paper bag or other container “Garbage Can.” Ask a child to break one of the sticks. Explain that using “garbage-can words”—words that are inappropriate or hurtful—can make our families weak like the single stick. We should throw these words away. Place the broken stick in the “garbage can.” Explain that instead of saying things that weaken our families, we should use words that strengthen them. Ask the children for words that strengthen families (for example, “thank you,” “please,” “you did a good job,” “may I help you”). Have each child who says a good word or phrase place one of the remaining sticks in a pile to create a bundle of sticks. Tie the sticks securely together, and ask a child to try to break the bundle. Like the bundle of sticks, families are much stronger when family members build each other up by saying kind things. Sing a song or hymn about families. Encourage the children to share this activity in family home evening.