undefined undefined Comment
November 2001

“Comment,” Liahona, Nov. 2001, 1


Appreciated “Labels”

I am very grateful for the Liahona (Spanish), and I especially appreciated President Thomas S. Monson’s First Presidency Message entitled “Labels” in the September 2000 issue. I was also deeply moved by “‘Lord, Here Am I,’” the Latter-day Saint Voices articles in the same issue.

Margarita Salmerón Garrido,
Granada Branch, Granada Spain District

A Companion and Help

The Liahona (Spanish) is magnificent. It has helped me a great deal in my personal life. I’m a better daughter and wife as a result of reading it. I’m not a mother yet, but when I do become one, I will try to be the best mother I can be. The magazine is helping me prepare for this responsibility.

Keep up the good work, because there are people who feel lonely sometimes, and the magazine is a companion and help for us.

Claudia Isabel de Lezama,
Buena Esperanza Ward, Danli Honduras Stake

Enjoyed “Finding Inner Peace”

I enjoyed reading “Finding Inner Peace,” the Line upon Line article in the June 2000 Liahona (English). I would love for you to treat the topics of charity and pride. I am always inspired by the First Presidency Messages. They have helped me change some of my attitudes. I hope they have also helped others.

Owoseni Mojisola,
Ibadan Sixth Branch, Ibadan Nigeria District

God Works in People’s Hearts

I enjoy reading the Liahona (Spanish) each month. I take it to the university with me every day along with my other books, and people at school are always borrowing it from me to see what it’s like. They really like it. I try to spark their interest, so I can talk to them about the Church. They don’t always pay attention to me, but I am faithful to the cause of sharing the gospel. God works in people’s hearts. I have seen the Liahona help friends of mine stay active in the Church and become full-time missionaries.

Angie Herreria,
Flor de Bastión Ward, Guayaquil Ecuador Pascuales Stake