Latter-day Saint Voices: ‘Reach Out for Every Good Opportunity’
November 2001

“Latter-day Saint Voices: ‘Reach Out for Every Good Opportunity’” Liahona, Nov. 2001, 41–45

Latter-day Saint Voices:

“Reach Out for Every Good Opportunity”

We are now well into a new century and a new millennium. It is not unusual at such times to ponder the passage of time. To many of us, the past may seem to merge with the future in an uneasy mix of regret and anticipation.

“I don’t worry too much about the future,” President Gordon B. Hinckley says, “and I don’t worry very much about the past. The past is gone, and you can’t change it. … The future—you can anticipate it, but you can’t necessarily do very much about it. It is the present you have to deal with, and so you reach out for every good opportunity that you have to do what you ought to do” (see this issue, page 8).

The following experiences reflect the wisdom of this counsel. With courage and faith, these Church members have done what they “ought to do,” using present opportunities to make something good out of past weaknesses or mistakes and to open themselves to future possibilities.
