“Standing Up to Temptation,” Liahona, Nov. 2001, 7
Standing Up to Temptation
Standing up to temptation is a never-ending battle, but that is no excuse to give in. Following are ideas you can use to make resisting temptation easier, no matter where you are or who you’re with.
Put reminders of high standards (a picture of the Savior, a quote from the scriptures, a Liahona poster) in your backpack or schoolbag.
Before telling a joke, imagine trying it out on your mom or dad or even your bishop. If you feel uncomfortable, keep the joke to yourself.
Seek friends who have the same standards you do. It’s easier to choose the right when those around you are trying to make good choices too.
If you are having trouble getting up in time for early-morning seminary, put the alarm clock far enough away from your bed that you will have to stand up to turn it off.
Always consider the consequences of your thoughts and actions. Ask yourself, “Is this something Jesus Christ would do?”
To take your mind off of tempting thoughts, try humming a hymn, reciting a scripture, or doing something else that will distract you.
Pray for guidance and help to overcome temptations that come your way.
Read the scriptures and attend seminary regularly. Like our bodies, our spirits need daily nourishment to stay fit and ready to fight off temptation.
Remember that Heavenly Father will not let you be tempted beyond your power to resist (see 1 Cor. 10:13).
The Three Temptations, by Gary E. Smith