undefined undefined Using the November 2001 Liahona
Using the November 2001 Liahona
November 2001

“Using the November 2001 Liahona,” Liahona, Nov. 2001, 48

Using the November 2001 Liahona

Lesson Ideas

  • “Pornography—the Deadly Carrier,” page 2: Discuss the three steps in President Thomas S. Monson’s battle plan to combat pornography. What specific things can you do to help eliminate this evil?

  • “Return with Honor,” page 10: Elder Robert D. Hales discusses several tools pilots use to help them return home safely. Compare these instruments to their spiritual counterparts that we can use to help us return safely to our heavenly home.

  • “A Salute to Youth,” page 25: Why did Brigham Young create the Retrenchment Society? What influences in the world today should we avoid?

  • “‘Did Teacher Say I Could?’” page F14: Being obedient doesn’t always save our lives physically, but it will save us spiritually and lead us to eternal life. Discuss some of the commandments the Lord has given us to keep us spiritually safe.

Following the Prophet

President Gordon B. Hinckley has encouraged youth to be grateful, smart, clean, true, humble, and prayerful (see “A Prophet’s Counsel and Prayer for Youth,” Liahona, April 2001, 30–41). How has his counsel helped you? Send stories and experiences to Following the Prophet, Liahona, Floor 24, 50 East North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3223, USA; or e-mail to liahona@ldschurch.org. Please include your complete name, age, address, telephone number, and ward and stake (or branch and district).

Photo illustration by Craig Dimond