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June 2002

“Contents,” Liahona, June 2002


June 2002

Volume 26, Number 6

On the cover: Photographs by Eldon K. Linschoten, from the Church film The Restoration of the Priesthood. Inset: Photograph by John Luke. See “Joseph Smith, The Prophet,” page 10.

Inside back cover: Nauvoo the Beautiful, by Larry Winborg. In April 1999 general conference, President Gordon B. Hinckley announced the rebuilding of the temple in Nauvoo to “stand as a memorial to those who built the first such structure there on the banks of the Mississippi” (“Thanks to the Lord for His Blessings,” Liahona, July 1999, 105). The new building, built to closely resemble the architecture of the original as seen above, will be dedicated in June 2002.