June 2002

“Comment,” Liahona, June 2002, 1


“Finding Inner Peace”

The article “Finding Inner Peace” in the June 2000 issue helped me a great deal. I’m going through something similar, and I’m very comforted to know that we can find answers to our prayers and receive the help we need. Thanks so much for your beautiful articles.

Name withheld

An Inspired Challenge

When I was called as bishop, our ward had nine subscribers to A Liahona (Portuguese). The stake president asked what my goal for increasing subscriptions was, and I told him it was to have 15 subscriptions. He challenged me to double that number to 30.

At first I believed it was an impossible goal. But I soon called a ward magazine representative, and I found that when an inspired leader issues a challenge and we work hard, we can meet the challenge (see 1 Ne. 3:7). One year and eight months later, we have 29 subscriptions. I can now see the joy of the people and the great spirit A Liahona brings into their homes.

Amarildo Martins,
Parque Dorotéia Ward, Diadema Brazil Stake

Questions Answered by Discussing Articles

As a young convert I sometimes felt uneasy with the members of my branch, and I had questions that went unanswered. But by reading and discussing articles in Le Liahona (French) with members of my branch, I got to know the members better. And I found answers to my questions through the magazine’s messages. I am truly grateful to Heavenly Father for inspiring me with the desire to study Le Liahona. I am happy to be a member of the Church and to read the testimonies of other members throughout the world.

Sandrine Hantala,
Le Mans Branch, Tours France District

Firm in Our Ideals

I am 23 years old and was baptized two years ago. I came in contact with the Church during the most difficult time of my life. Thanks to the gospel, I had a chance for a new life.

I am grateful to be able to spend the best times of each week with other young members of the Church. Even though the Church is not widespread in Italy, we are firm in our commitment to our beliefs. Our friendship is very important, and we strengthen one another in our determination to follow the counsel of modern prophets.

Frankie Riili,
Palermo Second Branch, Palermo Italy District
