“Using the April 2003 Liahona,” Liahona, Apr. 2003, 48
Using the April 2003 Liahona
Discussion Ideas
“Dancing Back to Church,” p. 34: Elder Ned B. Roueché tells how a simple invitation to share a talent changed his life—his eternal life. Do you know someone whose life might be changed by something as simple as an invitation to serve, to share a talent, or just to become involved? How can you help that person come back?
“Dandy,” p. 38: President David O. McKay likens Dandy, a horse whose curiosity and wanderlust led to an untimely and painful death, to youth who are impulsive. Discuss why freedom from restraint is not really freedom at all.
“A Growing Testimony,” p. F2: President James E. Faust shares what he calls “the crowning knowledge of my soul”—his testimony of Jesus Christ. Ask what a testimony is, and then discuss how we can obtain a witness of the Savior’s divinity. Share your testimony with family or class members.
Test Your Knowledge
How much do you know about Easter? Are the following statements true or false?
Easter is a commemoration of the Savior’s Crucifixion.
Latter-day Saints observe Ash Wednesday and Lent, as well as Easter Sunday.
All nations celebrate Easter on the same day.
Photograph by Eduardo Villagomesa, posed by model