“Jesus Is Risen,” Liahona, June 2003, 6
Jesus Is Risen

The Savior’s body was in the tomb until Sunday morning, when two angels came and rolled the stone away from the tomb. Matt. 28:2; Joseph Smith Translation, Matt. 28:2

Mary Magdalene, one of Jesus’ friends, went to the tomb and was surprised to see that the stone was not in front of it and that Jesus’ body was not in it. John 20:1–2

She ran to tell Peter and John that someone had taken the Savior’s body. She did not know where it was. John 20:2

Peter and John ran to the tomb. They looked into the tomb and saw the cloth Jesus had been buried in, but Jesus’ body was not there. John 20:3–7

Not knowing what had happened to Jesus or what else to do, Peter and John went home. Mary Magdalene stayed by the tomb, crying. When she looked into the tomb, two angels were there. John 20:9–12

They asked Mary Magdalene why she was crying. She said that someone had taken Jesus’ body away. She did not know where it was. John 20:13

She turned around and saw the Savior but did not recognize Him. She thought He was the gardener. He asked her why she was crying and whom she was looking for. John 20:14–15

Then Jesus said, “Mary,” and she knew who He was. He asked her to tell the Apostles that He was resurrected. John 20:16–17

Mary Magdalene and other women went and told the Apostles that Jesus was resurrected. At first, the Apostles did not believe them. Luke 24:10–11

Later, while the Apostles were talking to each other, Jesus came into the room. They were afraid. They still thought He was dead. Luke 24:36–37

The Savior told them to touch His hands and feet. He was resurrected—His body and spirit had come together again. Luke 24:38–40

The Apostles were happy to see Him. He asked them for food, and they gave Him some fish and some honey. He ate it. Luke 24:41–43

Jesus Christ was the first person to be resurrected. Many other people were resurrected after Jesus. Many people saw them. Jesus had said, “I am the resurrection, and the life.” Because He overcame death, we will all be resurrected someday. Matt. 27:52–53; John 11:25
Illustrations by Paul Mann