The Apostles Lead the Church
July 2003

“The Apostles Lead the Church,” Liahona, July 2003, 4

The Apostles Lead the Church

Jesus taught the Apostles for 40 days

After He was resurrected, Jesus was with His Apostles for 40 days. He taught them many things about the gospel and His Church. Acts 1:1–3

Jesus said to teach the gospel to everyone

He told them to teach the gospel to all people. He also said that He would leave them soon but that the Holy Ghost would come to help them. Acts 1:4–8

Jesus went up to heaven

They watched Him go up to His Father in Heaven. Two men in white clothes told the Apostles that Jesus would come back from heaven someday. Acts 1:9–11

Peter was President of the Church

The Apostles were now the leaders of the Church on earth. Peter was appointed President, and James and John were his counselors. At that time, there were only 11 Apostles—Judas was dead. Matt. 16:18–19; Matt. 27:3–5; D&C 81:1–2; James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, 3rd ed. (1916), 219

They chose Matthias as an Apostle

Heavenly Father told them to choose Matthias to be an Apostle so there would be 12 again. They all had the priesthood. Acts 1:15–17, 21–26; D&C 102:8

They obeyed the commandments

The Apostles and the other disciples had faith in the Lord. They obeyed His commandments, and they loved one another. Acts 2:41–47

They had priesthood power

With the priesthood and the power of the Holy Ghost, the Apostles could do many things. They healed sick people. They were missionaries. They taught about Jesus and His gospel. Many people believed the Apostles’ words and became members of the Church. Those who joined the Church were called Saints. Acts 2:2–4, 32–33, 36–43, 47; Acts 3:1–7; Rom. 1:7

Illustrations by Robert T. Barrett
