September 2003

“Comment,” Liahona, Sept. 2003, 1


Using and Cutting the Liahona

The Liahona has been a great help to me. I’ve learned much from it, and I love to read the words of the living prophet.

I get lots of ideas from The Friend that I use to teach my children the gospel in family home evening. The material from this section is excellent. But I’m very sorry that when I cut out some of the games and activities, I have to ruin a story or picture that I might like to use on some other occasion. I would really like to be able to use this material without damaging the following or preceding page.
Magdalena Velázquez de Cervantes,
Frontera Ward, Ciudad Juárez México North Stake

Editor’s note: We receive this comment frequently and understand the inconvenience cutting a story or article can create. Unfortunately, if we were to design the children’s section so that cutting one page did no damage to another, we would have to leave some of the 16 children’s pages blank. Rather than do this, we try to design the magazine so that any cutting will do the least possible damage. In some areas readers may be able to photocopy the game or activity and cut the copy rather than the original.

From Russia with Gratitude

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the full-time missionaries serving in our branch. During the past two years our town has been blessed by these elders and sisters. They have left behind their warm homes, loving families, and close friends to save souls from the evils of the world.

We are grateful for English lessons, because there are not enough English teachers in our schools and colleges. We can also add kind words about the missionaries’ service to the old and the sick in homes and hospitals. The most important characteristic, though, is their deep and strong faith in Jesus Christ.

We wish to thank their mothers and fathers for raising such good, devoted young people. We are grateful for their honesty and hard work, for their interest and care, for their tender hearts and skillful hands, and for their love of all people.
Members of the Surgut Branch,
Russia Yekaterinburg Mission

Inspiration to Keep Progressing

Since returning from my mission, I’ve had to live far from home because of my schooling. But even though I’m by myself, I have one of the best possible incentives for the soul—the Liahona magazine. It is a source of inspiration to keep me progressing in life. It is a voice of encouragement, and each day it helps me to be better than the day before.
Lenin Enrique Colonia Córdova,
Pueblo Libre Branch, Cajamarca Perú Stake
