“Idea List: Making the Most of Mutual,” Liahona, Sept. 2003, 24
Idea List:
Making the Most of Mutual
Time to plan your next Mutual activity? Mutual can do a lot of good for a lot of people if you know what Mutual is for. Here are some fun activity ideas.
Preparing for the Future
Learn basic cooking skills to prepare for your future families and for serving a mission. Enlist the help of some good cooks in your ward or branch, and then be sure to taste all the delicious things you make.
Have a lesson on celestial marriage, and then write a letter in your journal to your future husband or wife. Strive to be all those things you are hoping your future spouse will be.
Prepare a list of household chores, and go out and find people who would like help with those jobs. If you identify some families and their needs beforehand, you can be sure your service is making a difference.
Practicing Gospel Principles
Exercise your artistic abilities by pairing up and drawing portraits of each other. After displaying your masterpieces, have a lesson on how to receive the image of Christ in your countenances (see Alma 5:14–19).
Have a “dessert lesson.” Choose a gospel topic you want to learn more about, and have one member of your group prepare and present ideas on the topic to the group. Make sure everyone knows the topic beforehand so you can all have things to say and be spiritually fed while having dessert.
Building Unity
Even if you’ve known them all your lives, there’s still more to learn about the youth in your ward or branch. Play some get-to-know-you games. Or hold a testimony meeting, sharing some of your favorite hymns or scriptures and why they are special to you.
Everyone has an interest. Let members of your quorum or class present a class or workshop on something they like to do. Find ways to tie their interests to the gospel.
Completing Personal Progress and Duty to God
Many of the above ideas could fulfill the quorum and class requirements for Personal Progress and Duty to God.
Feeling the Spirit
With prayerful preparation, each of the above ideas can bring the Spirit. Find ways to give the Holy Ghost every opportunity to be present.
Detail from Christ and the Rich Young Ruler, by Heinrich Hofmann