“They Spoke to Us: Making Conference Part of Our Lives,” Liahona, May 2004, 116–17
They Spoke to Us:
Making Conference Part of Our Lives
As you make the April 2004 general conference a part of your own and your family’s life, you might consider using the following ideas for personal study and family home evening. Or you may wish to create your own questions, activities, and discussion ideas. (Page numbers refer to the beginning of the talks.)
For Children
Who are President Gordon B. Hinckley’s counselors in the First Presidency? How many years have they served as his counselors? (Clue: See President James E. Faust’s talk, p. 61.)
How long ago was President Thomas S. Monson called to be a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles? Who extended the calling to him? (Clue: Check President Monson’s talk, p. 20.)
What are the names of the members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles? How many Brethren serve in the Presidency of the Seventy? How many serve in the First and Second Quorums of the Seventy? (Clue: Look at the General Authority chart, pp. 64–65.)
About how many members belong to the Church? What percentage of Church members can see and hear conference? (Clue: Search President Hinckley’s talk, p. 4.)
How many converts were baptized last year? (Clue: See the Statistical Report, p. 26.)
Who wrote the poem that begins, “I beheld round the throne holy angels and hosts”? (Clue: Find the answer in Bishop Keith B. McMullin’s talk, p. 33.)
For Youth
If you knew the Savior were coming tomorrow, what would you do today to prepare to meet Him? What would you put in your “24-hour kit of spiritual preparation”? (see Elder Dallin H. Oaks’s talk, p. 7). Set some personal goals and write them in your journal.
How can you find peace when a loved one dies? See how Elder M. Russell Ballard dealt with this experience in his own life (p. 84).
A young woman in Argentina sold her prized violin to finance her mission (see Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s talk, p. 30). What sacrifices could you make to become more faithful? For example, you might decide to be on time to seminary or to watch less television so you will have more time to serve or read your scriptures.
A priesthood leader in Brazil went the extra mile to help a young man become active (see Elder Mervyn B. Arnold’s talk, p. 46). Do you have a friend who does not attend church regularly? What could you do to encourage him or her?
“We don’t have to be rich, tall, thin, brilliant, or beautiful to be saved in the kingdom of God—only pure,” said Elder Clate W. Mask Jr. (see p. 92). How can you avoid or remove the mud spots of the world and maintain personal purity?
Is there a Duty to God or Personal Progress requirement you need to finish? Read Gayle M. Clegg’s examples of finishers (see p. 14). Their stories might inspire you to complete your projects—and endure to the end.
For Family Home Evening or Personal Study
President Hinckley said: “It is wonderfully refreshing to see the faith and faithfulness of our young people. They live at a time when a great tide of evil is washing over the earth. … But we find literally hundreds of thousands of our young people holding to the high standards of the gospel” (p. 4). In family home evening, review sections of the pamphlet For the Strength of Youth. With younger children, review My Gospel Standards, found on the back of the Faith in God booklet.
Do you worry about the wicked world your children are being born into? What can you do to inoculate them from the spiritual illnesses rampant in the world today? (see President Boyd K. Packer’s talk, p. 77).
What are your roles as a father? (see Elder L. Tom Perry’s talk, p. 69). What is a “mother heart”? How can you develop one? (see Julie B. Beck’s talk, p. 75).
Elder Neal A. Maxwell said: “God has known you individually … [and] has loved you for a long, long time. … He knows your names and all your heartaches and your joys!” (p. 44). As you pray today, remember how well Heavenly Father knows you and how much He loves you.
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin said, “Debt is a form of bondage” (p. 40). Consider your own earthly debts, and review Elder Wirthlin’s five steps to financial freedom. Also consider your heavenly debts and ways to show gratitude.
Elder Dennis E. Simmons explained: “Faith is knowing that although our power is limited, His is not. Faith in Jesus Christ consists of complete reliance on Him” (p. 73). Think of a specific challenge you are facing. How can you show greater faith in Jesus Christ?