February 2005

“Comment,” Liahona, Feb. 2005, 48


Liahona Promotes Understanding

I am the president of a small association in Italy that works to strengthen interreligious understanding in our country. We have had many occasions to work with Latter-day Saints and have had very positive experiences.

Thanks to one of your members, I have for a number of years received the Liahona. I believe it is important reading not just for your members, but for anyone who wants to understand more about your church.

I have read and shared remarks from President Gordon B. Hinckley, President Thomas S. Monson, and others. One article that profoundly touched me was “The Currant Bush,” by Elder Hugh B. Brown (see Liahona, Mar. 2002, 22).

I also want to express my sincere appreciation to James A. Toronto for his beautiful article “A Latter-day Saint Perspective on Muhammad” (see Liahona, June 2002, 30). In my opinion, this article was respectful of the truths expressed by another faith. I read it with sincere pleasure.

I hope the Lord will continue to pour out His love to all humankind in these difficult times.
Pasquale Cardinale, Rome, Italy

Strength for Hard Times

I want to express my gratitude for those who make the Liahona possible as well as for those who share their personal stories. The magazine has been a part of my life since my first months as a member of the Church. In its pages I have found guidance and strength for hard times, and I have been awakened to a remembrance of my duties (see Mosiah 1:17) as I have read the inspired messages of the General Authorities.
Milthon Osciel Escobar Pelicó, Nuevo Palmar Branch, San Felipe Guatemala Stake

Thankful for The Friend

Thanks for a wonderful publication that brings good news to all Church members as well as members of other faiths. I am especially thankful for The Friend section. Each issue contains perfect aids for the important work of teaching children the gospel, and we use it every Sunday in our Primary.
Olga Lozano de González, Azteca Ward, Monterrey Mexico Moderna Stake

Listen to the Prophet

The messages in the Liahona help me understand the purpose of life. The magazine is my guide; it helps me follow the strait and narrow way that leads to life eternal (see 2 Ne. 31:18). I love to read the counsel of Heavenly Father given to us through the prophets. I know that President Gordon B. Hinckley is a prophet. Let us read the Liahona and hearken to his counsel.
Andre Tshamola, Luputa Branch, Democratic Republic of Congo Kinshasa Mission

A Spiritual Compass

I was filled with great peace and comfort when I read President Thomas S. Monson’s message “The Way of the Master,” in the January 2003 issue, because it was closely related to a personal experience. His message reinforced my knowledge of the importance of living prophets who help us stay on course. The Lord provides us with great help through the spiritual compass known as the Liahona.
Jonathan Santacruz, La Tahona Ward, Caracas Venezuela Palo Verde Stake
