“Comment,” Liahona, Mar. 2005, 48
Universal Application
I would like to express my gratitude for the Liahona and for the universal application of its articles. I teach school, and even though I cannot teach about religion, I have been able to use several articles in my work.
“The Unwise Bee,” a parable by Elder James E. Talmage in the February 2003 issue, helped me show my students that adults who try to guide them want to help them—not limit their freedoms. The lessons I have taught with the help of parables and stories in the Liahona strike true in my students’ hearts.
Aleksei Dobrovolskyy, Mikolaiv Tsentralny Branch, Odessa Ukraine Tsentralny District
Free of Heavy Burdens
I was very grateful for Elder Richard G. Scott’s article “To Be Free of Heavy Burdens,” in the November 2002 Liahona. I had been suffering because of transgression as Alma did, and the article helped me decide to confess to my bishop and seek forgiveness from the Lord. Then—like Alma—I was filled with joy as exquisite as was my pain (see Alma 36:16–21).
Name withheld
Family Home Evening for One
President Gordon B. Hinckley’s article “Family Home Evening,” in the March 2003 Liahona, helped me realize that even though I am the only member of the Church in my family, I can still hold family home evening. I began to set a special time apart each week to study the scriptures, learn about the teachings of the modern prophets through the Liahona, sing hymns, and ponder how I could be a better son of God—and of my earthly parents. President Hinckley’s message helped me improve my life.
Sergio Adrián López, Solis Pizarro Ward, Salta Argentina West Stake
Helping Faith Grow
The Liahona has changed my life. When I read and ponder its inspired articles, my faith grows, my love for Heavenly Father is strengthened, and I am motivated to endure to the end.
Alejandra Barralaga, Jardines del Valle Branch, San Pedro Sula Honduras Stake
Get the Message
Audio of the 175th Annual General Conference will be available at www.lds.org in more than 30 languages. Mark your calendar now for April 2 and 3, and spend some time getting the message.
Left: Photograph by Matthew Reier; above: Photograph by Craig Dimond, posed by model; top: Photograph by Welden C. Andersen