undefined undefined Comment
June 2005

“Comment,” Liahona, June 2005, 48


Testimony and Faith Increase

Since I was baptized I have marveled at Christ’s love for me. He never fails me. His love gives me hope, light, and encouragement during the difficult times of life. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s article “He Loved Them unto the End” (see Liahona, Sept. 2002, 11) helped increase my testimony and faith in Jesus Christ. It gave me determination to continue in faith despite any obstacles and hardships I may face.
Maricar Caro, Mangapsang Branch, La Carlota Philippines District

Indispensable in These Times

Thank you for Elder Henry B. Eyring’s article “The Book of Mormon Will Change Your Life,” in the February 2004 issue. We should all be like Ammon, who set an example of Christlike leadership by serving those he was sent to teach. The Liahona is indispensable in these times, and the world would be a better place if we all put into practice the counsel we find there.
Ekpo E. Akiba, Okokomaiko Ward, Lagos Nigeria Stake

Repentance Brings Peace

I first read “To Receive a Crown of Glory,” a First Presidency Message by President James E. Faust (see Liahona, Apr. 2004, 2), by myself, then we studied it in family home evening, and then we studied it again in an elders quorum meeting. At that time I was preparing to go to the temple to be sealed to my wife. When I studied President Faust’s words regarding sin and repentance, I realized that I needed to confess an old sin to my bishop. Afterward I felt the peace we are promised when we truly repent. I am grateful to the Lord for His Church and for His leaders who guide us today.
Name withheld

Answers to My Questions

It has been nine years since I was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For the last five years I have lived in a village 40 miles (70 km) from my branch, so I don’t get many chances to interact with the members. But through the Liahona, I can have interaction with my brothers and sisters around the world. I read the stories and testimonies with great pleasure. They help me to understand Heavenly Father better and to withstand temptation. In the October 2003 issue, the article “Timing” by Elder Dallin H. Oaks especially impressed me. In it, I found answers to my questions. I love to read this magazine—from the first page to the last.
Svetlana Tochilkina, Saratovsky Zavodskoy Branch, Saratov Russia District

Call for Children’s Articles

We are looking for articles for our young readers—true stories that will strengthen the faith of children around the world. Please send accounts to Children’s Stories, Liahona, 50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA; or e-mail to liahona@ldschurch.org. Please include your full name, home address, and ward and stake (or branch and district). If possible, include a photograph of the main characters in your article.