Additional Sharing Time Ideas, June 2005
June 2005

“Additional Sharing Time Ideas, June 2005,” Liahona, June 2005, N8

Additional Sharing Time Ideas, June 2005

The following are additional ideas Primary leaders may use with the Sharing Time printed in the June 2005 Liahona. For the lesson, instructions, and activity that correspond with these ideas, see “I’ll Follow Him in Faith” on pages F4 and F5 of the children’s section in this issue.

1. Post a picture of the Savior at the top of the chalkboard. Have the children follow along in their scriptures as you summarize the principles in Alma 32:27–43. Teach the importance of planting the word of God—represented by a seed—in our hearts and nourishing it with faith. Draw a seed on the chalkboard and ask, “How do we nourish the seed?” Have the older children turn to pages 4–5 in their Faith in God guidebooks, and review the basic requirements for the Faith in God Award. Pick songs or hymns that teach each principle of the basic requirements. Play a brief “music clue” to identify one of the basic requirements, which will help us nourish the seed with faith. Invite the child who identifies the clue to come to the chalkboard and draw stems, leaves, or branches on the “growing” plant. While that child is drawing, toss beanbags to two or three other children and invite each to stand and tell one thing he or she could do this week to nourish the seed with faith using that requirement. Sing the songs or hymns. Repeat for all six of the requirements. Have the last child who draws on the chalkboard add the precious “fruit.” Direct the children to the promise of the “fruit” in Alma 32:42. Summarize the account of Lehi’s vision in 1 Ne. 8:10–18. Compare the verses about “fruit” in 1 Nephi with those in Alma. Bear your testimony that as we consistently live the gospel with faith, we will eventually be able to partake of the fruit of the tree of life.

For younger children: Instead of using the Faith in God guidebook, teach the same principles of prayer, scripture study, and so on, with pictures from the Gospel Art Picture Kit.

2. Because of their faith in Christ, modern prophets and prophets of old have fulfilled the work of God even in the face of strong opposition. Heavenly Father blesses those who keep His commandments in faith. Post the following Gospel Art Picture Kit pictures on the board, and be prepared to briefly tell (or have the children help you tell) the accompanying stories from the resources indicated: 102—Building the Ark (story on back of picture), 303—Nephi Subdues His Rebellious Brothers (story on back of picture), 416—Translating the Book of Mormon (story from Primary 5 manual, lesson 5), 507—Brigham Young (story of crossing the plains from Primary 5 manual, lessons 40 and 41), 520—Gordon B. Hinckley (story of Accra Ghana Temple in Liahona, July 2000, 30–32, and Oct. 2004, 13–15). Emphasize that these prophets were blessed because of their faith in Jesus Christ.
