Youth to Be a Light to the World
February 2006

“Youth to Be a Light to the World,” Liahona, Feb. 2006, N1

Youth to Be a Light to the World

Young men and women around the world are focusing on this year’s Mutual theme: “Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations” (D&C 115:5). The theme was announced in the November 2005 issue of the Liahona (p. 128).

At that time, the Young Men and Young Women general presidencies released a statement. “We bear testimony that the Lord loves you and needs you to help build His kingdom,” the general presidencies stated. “You can be a light that dispels darkness, revealing by your example the path to celestial glory in the kingdom of God. ‘Arise and shine forth,’ that the Spirit of the Lord may continue to bear witness of the Restoration of the gospel through you.”

How can you tell if you have a testimony of Jesus Christ and His restored gospel? Is it by the words you say? It is where you spend Sundays? Is it by the things you do?

One of the best measures of your testimony of Jesus Christ is how you treat others. When you love the Lord Jesus Christ and turn your heart to Him, you will automatically turn to those in need, especially those in need of coming to Christ.

The scriptures remind us, “When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren” (Luke 22:32). There are examples from the scriptures of those who have turned testimony into action. Alma and the sons of Mosiah changed and went about preaching the gospel after they were visited by an angel. Enos also wanted to share what he knew to be true after he received forgiveness in answer to his prayers.

The path you follow on earth may not always be easy. But you can be assured that the Lord has not sent you here to fail. You will succeed as you follow the prophet and stand strong. As your testimony grows in intensity and strength, you will be able to help friends and family strengthen their testimonies. It is time to arise and shine forth.

Activity Ideas for This Year’s Mutual Theme

  • Find and read scriptures that talk about being an example.

  • Have a testimony meeting at sunrise.

  • Memorize the words to “High on the Mountain Top” (Hymns, no. 5).

  • Perform an anonymous act of service.

  • Read about the title of liberty in the Book of Mormon (see Alma 46:11–27). Make a flag or banner representing your ideals.

  • Role-play some of the stories in the scriptures with your Mutual group or family. Dress like the people in the scriptures might have dressed, and memorize and present their testimonies as given in the scriptures.

  • Plan a family home evening based on the Mutual theme. Present it to your family with your parents’ guidance.
