undefined undefined Journey to Baptism
Journey to Baptism
October 2006

“Journey to Baptism,” Liahona, Oct. 2006, F6–F7

Journey to Baptism

When people are baptized and confirmed, they become members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They begin a journey back to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. There is another journey that children under age eight need to take—the journey of preparing to be baptized.

At church you learn about Jesus Christ and His gospel. Try to be a Christlike example to those around you.

The day before my baptism I was very excited, but the closer I got to the font the scarier it became for me. But when I actually got in the water it was like there were angels singing in the sky. Afterward I was very happy. As I was getting the gift of the Holy Ghost, I was thinking, “Heavenly Father will be pleased.”
Jacqueline E., 11, Quebec, Canada

When you pray you grow closer to Heavenly Father. Ask Him to help you choose the right every day.

Study the scriptures by yourself and with your family.

My life has changed because the gospel has taught me many truths I did not know before: I am a child of God, I lived in the spirit world before I came to earth, and our family can be forever! We are so blessed to have a living prophet—he loves us and blesses us. The prophet teaches us the word of God. He tells me to be good and teaches me what God wants me to do.
Michael F., 9, Tonga

Near your eighth birthday, you will have an interview with your bishop or branch president. Don’t be nervous! He will help you prepare for your baptism.

Happy eighth birthday!

Now that I have been baptized and confirmed, I have received the gift of the Holy Ghost, and He can be with me all the time to help me choose right from wrong. When you pray, the Holy Ghost can help you understand the answers to your prayer.
Emily S., 8, Louisiana, USA

It’s your baptism day! When you come up out of the water, you will be clean and pure, just like the white clothes you are wearing.

Before my eighth birthday I fasted and prayed to Heavenly Father to know if I should be baptized. The answer was yes! After I was baptized I felt a wonderful warm feeling of happiness. I was grateful to be confirmed and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Since my baptism I have tried to keep the commandments, be kind to my family and friends, and always set a good example.
Huia K., 8, Victoria, Australia

After your baptism, priesthood holders will confirm you a member of the Church and give you the gift of the Holy Ghost. When you covenant, or promise, to take upon you the name of Jesus Christ and always remember Him, He promises that you will always have the Holy Ghost to guide you. You can remember this covenant each time you take the sacrament.

Illustrations by Dan Burr; border © Dynamic Graphics