“Keeping Our Baptismal Covenant,” Liahona, Oct. 2006, F8–F9
Keeping Our Baptismal Covenant
When we are baptized we make a covenant, or promise, with Heavenly Father. We promise to take upon ourselves the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and always remember Him and keep His commandments. When we keep our part of the covenant, we are promised that we will have the Holy Ghost in our lives to guide and comfort us.
The covenant we make at baptism is the first step on our journey to the temple. There are other steps along the way that help us keep our baptismal covenants and prepare to receive temple blessings.
To play the game you will need a small piece of colored paper for each player and a die.
To prepare: (1) Remove these pages from the magazine. (2) Cut out the puzzle pieces, glue them to heavy paper, trim, and set aside. Then glue the game board to heavy paper. (3) Divide the players into two teams, and give each player a piece of colored paper to write his or her name on. Each team should have its own color of paper. (4) Start the papers on the space marked “BAPTISM.”
To play: One player rolls the die and moves his or her paper. If you roll a 2 or higher, you can share it with your teammates and help them move too (for example, if you get a 3, you and two teammates could each move one space). When you land on a square with words, read it aloud and follow the instructions. If the instructions tell you to move forward, put a puzzle piece in place.
The next team takes a turn, with one player rolling the die and moving.
The teams and players take turns rolling the die and moving around the board until the puzzle is completed.

Cardston Alberta Temple (Illustration by Beth M. Whittaker)
Note: If you do not wish to remove pages from the magazine, this activity may be copied, traced, or printed from the Internet at www.lds.org. For English, click on “Gospel Library.” For other languages, click on the world map.
I read the Book of Mormon every day. Move forward 2 spaces.
After arguing with my friends, I ask for their forgiveness. Move forward 1 space.
Instead of participating in family home evening, I watch TV. Move back 2 spaces.
I do kind deeds for my family. Move forward 1 space.
I ignore my mom when she asks me to help make dinner. Move back 1 space.
I earn some money and pay my tithing. Move ahead 2 spaces.
I pick up the newspaper for a sick neighbor. Move forward 1 space.
I hang a picture of a temple in my room and make a goal to go there. Move ahead 1 space.
I say my prayers in the morning and at night. Move forward 1 space.
I ask a friend to turn off bad music. Move forward 1 space.
It’s been a busy day, and I’m tired, so I don’t pray. Move back 2 spaces.
I take a piece of candy from the store and don’t pay for it. Move back 2 spaces.
My friend asks me to play on Sunday. I invite him to Primary. Move forward 2 spaces.
Listening to general conference, I sustain the General Authorities. Move forward 2 spaces.
I don’t read my scriptures. Move back 2 spaces.
I do kind deeds for my family. Move forward 1 space.
I break a plate and tell my dad that my little sister broke it. Move back 2 spaces.
A classmate asks to copy my homework. I say no. Move ahead 2 spaces.
My brother asks me to help him. I say no. Move back 2 spaces.
I attend church every week, even though it’s far away. Move forward 2 spaces.