February 2008

“Comment,” Liahona, Feb. 2008, 48


Sharing the Liahona

I always read the Liahona because I learn about so many things, such as temple work, Church callings, and how to love God. My heart is softened by the things I read. I learn a lot, and my thoughts become clearer. I have been touched by the messages from President Gordon B. Hinckley. I shared the magazine with new and less-active members. It strengthened them, and now they have ordered copies for themselves.

Josephine A. Manzon, Philippines

The Best Gift a Friend Can Give

I love the magazine. I am so eager for it to come because I share the Visiting Teaching Message with the sisters who don’t get the magazine. To me it’s the best gift a friend can give.

Isabel Medina Méndez, Puerto Rico

Articles for Members and Nonmembers

The material in the Liahona really is simple and highly interesting to read. My favorite section is the messages from the First Presidency; I always benefit from them. They are always full of spiritual counsel for all of Heavenly Father’s children—an ever-flowing fountain of heavenly information for all who may read it.

Ana Encarnación, Dominican Republic

Rereading the Liahona

The Liahona is a blessing and a companion. I’ve reread the September 2003 issue, and “Coming Up Short” once again enlightened me. I read it when I prepared for my mission and again as a returned missionary. It truly had a different and wonderful impact on me.

There are times when I feel that many demands are made of me. When I read the article again, it reminded me to continue to be Christlike. Life may not always be fair, but I am now more determined to give my best.

Georgia Pahulaya, Philippines

Watching General Conference

The first time I saw general conference via satellite, it impressed me exceedingly. I feel much gratitude for a living prophet and other General Authorities. As we listen to their testimonies of the Savior and our Heavenly Father and hear them speak with inspiration and power from on high, we are all renewed spiritually. After seeing conference via satellite, I have more strength to keep pressing forward and am eagerly awaiting the next one. Conference in the magazine is also a great comfort, especially to those who don’t have the chance to see it.

Felipe Urbina, Costa Rica
