Church Gives Mormon.org New Look, More Content
February 2009

“Church Gives Mormon.org New Look, More Content,” Liahona, Feb. 2009, N5–N6

Church Gives Mormon.org New Look, More Content

To make using Mormon.org easier and more effective, the Church has made navigation and visual changes to the site and added more multimedia content.

“When visiting the earlier version of Mormon.org, you had to do too much navigation to get into the doctrine,” said Ron Wilson, manager of Internet and marketing for the Missionary Department. The new design has a “cleaner look, simpler navigation, and more open feeling.”

Mormon.org, includes information about the basic beliefs of the Church, gives answers to frequently asked questions, tells people where they can find and attend Church meetings in their area, and allows visitors to communicate with missionaries live.

Although the overall content and purpose of the site haven’t changed, it has been updated. In addition to the visual changes, the new Web site includes additional content to make it more media rich. There are testimonies from General Authorities and from members from all over the world. A new video entitled Finding Happiness is now available, which gives insight on how to find purpose in life.

The home page of the new site directly addresses these four commonly asked questions: What is the purpose of my life? Does God really know me? What happens when I die? Is God happy with me?

The updated site is intended to help nonmembers and members alike. All information and lessons found on the site are aligned with the missionary lessons found in Preach My Gospel.

Members are encouraged to use the site and to share it often. They can give the Web address to people inquiring about the Church or find answers to others’ questions or their own. “This is a safe and nonthreatening way for members to share the gospel,” Brother Wilson said. Future plans include making it easier to link to Mormon.org from personal blogs, social networking sites, and personal Web sites.

The updated Web site launched on September 18, 2008, in English and is expected to be available in Spanish by early 2009. More than 20 languages are planned to be available later in 2009.

The updated Mormon.org site includes more content and is meant to be more appealing to all visitors.
