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Helping Feed the Savior’s Lambs
April 2010

“Helping Feed the Savior’s Lambs,” Liahona, Apr. 2010, 64–65

Helping Feed the Savior’s Lambs

From an October 1997 general conference address.

President Henry B. Eyring

The Savior had been crucified and then resurrected. His disciples had gone to Galilee. They had fished through the night, catching nothing. When they drew near to shore, in the dawn, they did not at first recognize Him. He called out to them, telling them where to cast their nets, and when they did, the nets were filled. They rushed to greet Him on the shore.

They found a fire of coals with fish cooking and bread. Then He gave a commandment to them which still stands for each of us.

“So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs” (John 21:15).

The Saints of God have always been under covenant to nourish each other spiritually, especially those tender in the gospel.

A child can do the things which nourish the faith of others. Children could invite a recent convert to come with them to a meeting. Children could smile and greet a new member coming into a chapel or into a class. And as we do, the Holy Ghost will be our companion.

Every word we speak can strengthen or weaken faith. We need help from the Spirit to speak the words which will nourish and strengthen.

We can by simple obedience help the Lord to take the lambs, His lambs, into His arms home to their Father and our Father.

I know that Jesus is the Christ. I know that He lives. And I know that He leads us in this work—His work—to bring to pass the eternal life of His Father’s children.

  • To nourish means to feed.

From left: The Lost Lamb, by Del Parson; photographs of wolf and lamb © Getty Images; photograph of barn © Corbis; photographs of food and water by David Stoker