undefined undefined Jesus Christ Restored the Fulness of the Gospel through Joseph Smith
Jesus Christ Restored the Fulness of the Gospel through Joseph Smith
April 2010

“Jesus Christ Restored the Fulness of the Gospel through Joseph Smith,” Liahona, Apr. 2010, 66–67

Sharing Time

Jesus Christ Restored the Fulness of the Gospel through Joseph Smith

Imagine a glass full of clear, pure water. If we bump the glass, some water might spill out and the glass wouldn’t be full anymore.

In the beginning the fulness of the gospel was on the earth. For many years prophets taught the gospel.

When Jesus Christ was on the earth, He established His Church. He taught the fulness of the gospel: faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism by immersion, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and obedience to the commandments. Jesus showed all people how we should live. He became the Savior of us all. The gospel glass was full.

But as the years passed, parts of the gospel were lost because wicked people changed it or didn’t obey it. The fulness of the gospel was no longer on the earth. Heavenly Father promised His children He would give them the fulness of the gospel again. He called Joseph Smith to help Him restore the fulness of the gospel.

John 3:16 teaches us that Heavenly Father gave us His Son and the gospel because He loves His children. He calls prophets to teach everyone His gospel so we will know the way back to Him.

We are blessed to have the fulness of the gospel in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Our gospel glasses are full to the top, and Heavenly Father has promised that the gospel will never be taken from the earth again.

April 2010 Scripture Journal

Read the sixth article of faith in the Pearl of Great Price.

Memorize this article of faith.

Pray to ask Heavenly Father to help you know that Jesus Christ restored the fulness of the gospel through Joseph Smith.

Choose one of these activities, or create your own:

  • Help someone else learn this article of faith.

  • Read or have someone read to you Joseph Smith—History in the Pearl of Great Price.

  • Make the story wheel on page 67. Cut out the two wheels, and attach them with a brass fastener. Use the wheel to teach someone how Jesus Christ restored the fulness of the gospel through Joseph Smith.

  • Our missionaries are teaching the truths of the restored gospel throughout the world. Pray for them. Pray to know whom you could invite to listen to the missionaries’ message.

How does what you have done help you understand the sixth article of faith?

Write in your journal or draw a picture about what you have done.

Restoration story wheel

Top right: illustration © Vivid Details; bottom right: Joseph Smith Translating the Book of Mormon, by Del Parson, © IRI; other illustrations by Robert T. Barrett

Jesus Christ Restored the Fulness of the Gospel through Joseph Smith

Left: The First Vision, by Gary L. Kapp, may not be copied