More Online
January 2011

“More Online,” Liahona, Jan. 2011, 3

More Online


For Adults

The Savior was a master teacher (see page 14). To improve your teaching skills, visit www.teaching.lds.org.

For Youth

In this issue find out what’s new in Personal Progress and Duty to God (pages 34 and 37). Then check out the accompanying Web sites at www.PersonalProgress.lds.org and www.DutytoGod.lds.org.

For Children

Take a look at “Making Friends around the World” on page 72 and then play an online version of the game at www.liahona.lds.org.

Children’s art is now on display at the Church History Museum in Salt Lake City, and every piece of art that was submitted is accessible online at www.liahona.lds.org.

In Your Language

The Liahona and other Church materials are available in many languages at www.languages.lds.org.
