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Engaging in Family History Work
January 2011

“Engaging in Family History Work,” Liahona, Jan. 2011, 8

Engaging in Family History Work

Perhaps you are the only member of the Church in your family and are new to family history work. Or perhaps others in your family have done much of the family history and temple work for your ancestors. Whatever your situation, there are still many ways you can contribute to this important work.

If you’re not sure where to start, start with what you know best: yourself. After all, family history isn’t just about your loved ones who are deceased. It’s also about capturing your personal history as you live it. Here are some ways you might begin:

  • Find an archival-safe box and put your important records inside: your birth certificate, diplomas, awards, journals, photographs—anything representative of your life.

  • If you have access to scanning equipment, consider scanning old photographs to create digital copies of important photos.

  • Keep a journal of inspiring thoughts, feelings, and events in your life.

  • Interview your family members to record their life histories. Start with your oldest living relative. Ask questions like these: How did you get your name? What were your family traditions when you were young and later in life? What can you tell me about your family’s special talents or characteristics? Compiling others’ histories will be a family treasure for generations to come.

  • Register for an account at www.New.FamilySearch.org and input the genealogical information you gather about yourself and family members. Online tutorials will help you step by step.

  • If possible, attend the temple to perform ordinances for your ancestors.

If you have questions about family history work, your ward or branch family history consultant can help.