Family Home Evening Ideas
August 2011

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Liahona, Aug. 2011, 79

Family Home Evening Ideas

This issue contains articles and activities that could be used for family home evening. The following are a few examples.

“One Stalwart Pioneer, Many Generations Blessed,” page 16: As you share this article with your family, consider discussing how Sara’s example influenced her father. Discuss how your example can influence those around you for good or for bad. Set a goal to be a “stalwart pioneer” every day.

“Did He Really Ask Me That? page 42: While reviewing the article, identify and compare the concerns felt by the Church members regarding their callings. Read President Monson’s quote and then discuss ways to invite Heavenly Father’s help in fulfilling your responsibilities. Consider reviewing the resources listed under “Receiving Help from Other Sources.”

“The Only True and Living Church,” page 48: Consider listing Elder Oaks’s three features that make The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the only true and living Church on the earth. Discuss each feature and how it blesses your family. You might consider role-playing how your family can testify of these features to those of other faiths.

“Reflections,” page 60: After you read the article together, have each family member look in a mirror and tell what he or she sees. Help each person realize that he or she is looking at a child of Heavenly Father. You may wish to discuss and bear testimony of how much He loves each of us and how important it is to place our trust in Him. You might consider reading together Psalm 56:4 and 1 Corinthians 2:9.

A Testimony Lesson

When my husband and I first got married, I was worried that family home evening with just the two of us would be awkward or would become repetitive. I thought we would run out of things to teach each other. But my husband surprised me on our first Monday night by saying, “I want to bear my testimony.” He proceeded to share his testimony of the Savior and of marriage. After his testimony, I shared mine. It was an evening I will always treasure. Though he had not known of my concern about family home evening, he answered it, and I found that each family home evening was a spiritual experience to look forward to. 

Since then testimony sharing has remained a tradition in our family home evenings. Though we now have a toddler and we tailor lessons to her, we also don’t go without bearing our testimonies. I am excited for the day when I will be able to hear my children’s testimonies and when I can teach them why testimonies matter.

Heidi Icleanu, Kentucky, USA
