Called to Influence
August 2011

“Called to Influence,” Liahona, Aug. 2011, 44–45

Called to Influence

Georgina Tilialo, New Zealand

When I was called to serve as the Mia Maid adviser in the Young Women organization, I doubted that I could fill the calling. I didn’t think the girls would like me or learn anything from me, especially when I realized how different things are for them than they were when I was their age.

That feeling changed a few weeks into my calling when I attended a Young Woman event. At the event a mother expressed how grateful she was for the Young Women program because it strengthened her daughter against temptation. Her words helped me understand just how important my role really is.

I realized that my calling was about more than teaching lessons on Sundays and helping plan activities. It was a calling to help these young women prepare for the future—to go to the temple, serve in the Church, and be good mothers. I needed to help them prepare for life.

Callings in the Church come from our loving Heavenly Father. He knows our needs and the needs of those we serve. Knowing that can help us have faith in Him and confidence in ourselves, even if we don’t understand why we’re given a particular assignment or when we don’t feel sure about our ability to fulfill a calling. We can be grateful for our opportunities to serve and that we are worthy to have a calling, and we can take the opportunity to learn as much as we can while we progress in the gospel.
