undefined undefined Comment
July 2012

“Comment,” Liahona, July 2012, 79


The Pioneers Taught Me

Last December I was discouraged and did not want to decorate my house or celebrate Christmas. Then I read an article in the December 2011 Liahona that described how the pioneers celebrated Christmas: dancing to a whistled tune because they had no musical instruments—in spite of having no gifts and too little to eat (see “Christmas for the Early Pioneers” in “Small and Simple Things,” 9). That article helped me change my attitude and take heart. Sometimes we do not recognize or value all that we have.

Ana Rosa de Melo Ferreira, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Seek God Every Day

Thank you for the January 2012 issue. My husband and I had a wonderful experience reading Adam C. Olson’s article, “Rediscovering a Wonder of the World … and Avoiding the Dangers of Spiritual Apathy,” (page 20). It helped us realize the constant need we have to seek God every day of our lives. I know the messages in the magazine are inspired because many of them have come into my life when I most needed them.

Daiana Araceli Beloqui de Iannone, Buenos Aires, Argentina