In the News
August 2012

“In the News,” Liahona, Aug. 2012, 76

In the News

Liahona Now Offered in Simplified Chinese

Chinese speakers can now receive the Liahona in simplified Chinese.

Six Liahona issues—the two conference issues (May and November) and four regular issues (January, April, July, and October)—will be created in simplified Chinese each year. The January and April 2012 issues were published online only; the May issue was the first available in print.

For information about obtaining individual issues of the magazine or subscribing, please contact Distribution Services or visit store.lds.org.

Church Magazines Highlight For the Strength of Youth Standards

Starting this month, the Church magazines are featuring a series of articles that highlight the standards outlined in the newly updated For the Strength of Youth booklet. The series will appear in the New Era and the youth pages of the Liahona for many months (except for conference issues); each article will focus on a different standard and will be authored by a member of the Young Men or Young Women general presidencies or a member of the Seventy.

A one-page article for adults about how parents can teach that month’s standard to their children will be included in the Liahona and Ensign, and, in instances when the topics in For the Strength of Youth correspond with topics in My Gospel Standards for Primary children, there will also be an article for children in the Liahona and Friend.

FamilySearch Indexing App Now Available

The FamilySearch Indexing app for iPhone and iPad users now helps individuals preserve and share precious genealogical records from around the world on mobile devices.

The app, released about the same time that the 1940 United States Census became available for indexing, is available for download from the Apple App Store (iOS devices) or Google Play (Android version).

Available in English and Spanish, the app allows users to view image snippets—a name, a place, or other relevant piece of information—from handwritten historical documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, or census records. Individuals simply transcribe (index) what they see, and the FamilySearch indexing system adds the data to the collection of free genealogy records available at familysearch.org.

Chinese speakers in various parts of the world can now read the Liahona in simplified Chinese.

The new FamilySearch Indexing app will allow more individuals to contribute to family history research on a small or large scale.
