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Our Space
August 2012

“Our Space,” Liahona, Aug. 2012, 51

Our Space

Why Trials?

Many times we wonder why we have problems even when we keep the commandments and live the gospel. We must not forget that we came to this earth to be tested. When we overcome the trials and show Heavenly Father through our choices that we love Him, He will bless us so that within our families the Spirit of the Lord will reign.

Kahellyn V. (below), Venezuela

Duty to God

I’ve been working to complete my Duty to God Award, both when I lived in Venezuela and when I moved with my family to China.

Duty to God truly is inspired. A young man can learn marvelous things that will be applied throughout the rest of his life by completing the goals. He will learn spiritual things, temporal things, physical things, and much more.

It’s well worth the effort of dedicating yourself to complete these goals. I have learned to be a better man, I’ve grown in my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I have better prepared myself to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood and to serve a mission. It’s gratifying to know that I will be able to be a good example to my future children one day.

Jonathan A., China

My Favorite Scripture

1 Nephi 3:7

This scripture strengthens my faith because Nephi shows during trials that he still obeys and does what the Lord wants him to do. And Heavenly Father blesses him for that.

Kaila T. (above), Philippines

Personal Progress

On February 27, 2011, I received my Young Womanhood Recognition. I am happy that I completed the Personal Progress program, that I kept myself pure and clean, and that I can wear my medallion with pride. I know that the Young Women organization helps us progress and prepare ourselves for marriage in the holy temple. I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for this organization. By earning my medallion, I have completed one of my goals, and I know that I can continue to do much good in the work of the Lord.

Katherine M., Venezuela

Finding a Personal Testimony

I was born into the Church, and I didn’t have much of a testimony until I started to read the scriptures with pure intent. Instead of just reading the words on the paper, I searched deep for their meaning. I read 3 Nephi 11:3, and I put myself in the people’s shoes. That scripture and the ones following it shook me. From then on I kept reading the scriptures and praying with sincerity, and my testimony grew.

Ryan R., Washington, USA