For the Strength of Youth says to avoid extreme hairstyles. What types of styles would be considered too extreme?
March 2013

For the Strength of Youth says to avoid extreme hairstyles. What types of styles would be considered too extreme?” Liahona, March 2013, 43

For the Strength of Youth says to avoid extreme hairstyles. What types of styles would be considered too extreme?

What is considered extreme may vary from culture to culture and time to time, so it would be difficult to say exactly what hairstyles are too extreme for everyone. So how do you know whether a hairstyle is “extreme”? Ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” If you’ve gone out of your way to give yourself unusual hair color(s), length(s), and styling solely for the purpose of “making a statement” or getting attention, then you may have gone to the “extreme” referred to in For the Strength of Youth.1

Do Church leaders ask you to avoid extremes just because they want you to look plain and ordinary, without any style or personality? Of course not. They’ve given this counsel because your appearance says something about you. “Through your dress and appearance, you can show that you know how precious your body is. You can show that you are a disciple of Jesus Christ.”2 Extreme hairstyles might overshadow this message and send a more worldly message about you.


  1. See For the Strength of Youth (booklet, 2011), 7.

  2. For the Strength of Youth, 6.
