What is the point of class and quorum presidencies for youth?
March 2013

“What is the point of class and quorum presidencies for youth?” Liahona, March 2013, 43

What is the point of class and quorum presidencies for youth?

young man in front of class

Young Women class presidencies and Aaronic Priesthood quorum presidencies benefit both those who hold the positions and those they serve.

Members of the presidencies are entitled to inspiration about the class or quorum, which can help them know how to pray for and fellowship members of their class or quorum, especially those who are new or less active. Being in a presidency helps youth learn leadership skills such as delegation, service, communication, and participation in councils. Learning to organize and lead meetings and activities helps youth leaders prepare for a mission or other future callings as they learn the importance of doing their duty and how to create a plan and carry it out.

Class and quorum members also get certain blessings through these leaders. They have someone their age to talk to who can help and encourage them in living the gospel and doing many things, especially as they complete Personal Progress or Duty to God. Because the presidents of classes or quorums serve on the bishopric youth committee, they can inform the bishop of problems, concerns, or good works in their classes and quorums.

Being called to a class or quorum presidency is a great responsibility that helps youth gain greater confidence, learn to be a leader and an example, and develop love and unity within the class or quorum.
