Hi, I’m Erika from El Salvador
July 2013

“Hi, I’m Erika from El Salvador,” Liahona, July 2013, 69

Hi, I’m Erika from El Salvador

My name is Erika Z., and I live in the city of San Salvador in El Salvador, and I love to prepare names for temple ordinances.

The Relief Society sisters in my branch asked if I could learn to index names using the FamilySearch program. I wanted to help. My mother also wanted me to help, so we began learning how to index together.

When I first started, it took me a whole day to index nine names. But now after working hard and practicing, I can index 300 names in a day.

After finishing my homework, I spend time indexing names. For me, indexing is as fun as playing or watching TV. But I know that it has a greater purpose.

I know that Heavenly Father blessed me with the opportunity to help prepare names for temple ordinances for more than 2,000 Salvadorian ancestors in the spirit world.

Photographs of Erika and Relief Society courtesy of Erika’s family; photograph of San Salvador El Salvador Temple by Matthew Reier © IRI
