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Our Page
July 2013

“Our Page,” Liahona, July 2013, 64

Our Page

Ricardo O., age 3, from Mexico, likes to serve. Each Saturday, along with his little sister, Olea, he helps his parents sweep the building where his branch meets for sacrament meeting. He serves with a smile—not only at church but also at home.

The children of the Junction Branch Primary, Mandeville District, Jamaica, West Indies, are learning about the Savior and trying to follow His example by being baptized and preparing to attend the temple.

Loi P., age 7, Cambodia

Nguyen L., age 7, Cambodia

Maria C., age 4, from Brazil, gave a talk in sacrament meeting in which she amazed everyone by reciting the 13 Articles of Faith without missing a single word. Maria’s Primary president says that Maria prays fervently and testifies of Jesus Christ.

I like to go to church and to my Primary class. I am learning to read, and I love the stories of the Book of Mormon. My younger sister and I like to help our mother. We love to read the children’s section of the Liahona. We both pray for President Monson and Sister Monson.

Alison A., age 6, and Juana A., age 3, Argentina

One day our Primary visited the São Paulo Brazil Temple. The gardens were more beautiful than any I had ever seen. We learned that through the covenants we make in the temple, we can live with our families for all eternity. The president of the temple spoke to us in the waiting room, where we saw beautiful paintings. I had a very warm and happy feeling, and my mother told me it was the Holy Ghost testifying to me that what I was learning was true. I gained a testimony that the temple is the house of the Lord.

Renato B., age 8, Brazil

Renato and his family at his baptism

The temple is very beautiful on the outside—it has many flowers. But when I was sealed to my family, I saw that it is even more beautiful inside.

Nicolas M., age 5, Colombia