undefined undefined Comment
July 2013

“Comment,” Liahona, July 2013, 79


It Helps Me Try Harder

I love the Liahona! I feel so good when I read it. I like to take it to college with me and give it to my friends. The articles help me be a better person, do missionary work, and choose the right. When I study the magazine, I find that I try to be better each day and try harder to follow Jesus Christ.

Anastacia Naprasnikova, Ukraine

Spiritual and Temporal Compass

The Liahona strengthens my testimony. It is a compass—spiritual as well as temporal. Reading the words of the General Authorities helps me come closer to Jesus Christ. And as a missionary, reading the testimonies of many converted Saints comforts me and helps me be an effective worker in the Master’s vineyard.

Elder Gomun, Benin Cotonou Mission


Page 27 of the February Liahona indicates that Dima Ivanov lives in Vladivostok, Russia, but he actually lives in Ulan-Ude, Russia.