“Steps to Happiness,” Liahona, Sept. 2013, 46–47
Steps to Happiness
From an address given to youth in Salta, Argentina, in November 2011.

Commandments are not given to restrict but rather to make possible what we truly desire and what our Heavenly Father, who loves us, wants for us.

Illustration by David Habben
At times, some people get confused, thinking that the commandments are restrictions or limitations that complicate life, that take away opportunities or happiness or the pleasures of life. In reality, the commandments protect us and guide us to happiness. They are not to restrict but rather to make possible—to allow us to achieve in this life and in the next—what we truly desire and what our Heavenly Father, who loves us, wants for us.
They are like a flight of stairs. Each step may represent one commandment, and with each commandment that we obey, we can move upward. Then, if we understand the essence of the commandments, we want more. We don’t feel resentment regarding the commandments; we want more in order to be able to progress more. And a Heavenly Father who loves us gives unto us according to our desires. If we desire it, He is going to give us more commandments in order to facilitate our progress.
So, young people, please don’t complain about the commandments. Don’t say, “I don’t want any more,” but rather say, “Yes, more, more. I want to progress. I want to be happy. I want to be like my Heavenly Father. And the commandments show me how to do so. They open up the pathway before me and also protect me from evil and the things that destroy happiness—and sometimes they even protect life itself.”
I hope that you’re convinced. We have to do all things necessary to keep the commandments, even if it seems we are all alone as we do so.
Sunday Lessons
This Month’s Topic: The Commandments
Photo illustration by Robert Casey © IRI