Heavenly Father Has a Plan for His Children
February 2014

“Heavenly Father Has a Plan for His Children,” Liahona, Feb. 2014, 74–75

Bringing Primary Home

Heavenly Father Has a Plan for His Children

Learn more about this month’s Primary theme!

Bringing Primary Home

Oliver could smell Granny’s brownies baking in the oven, and there was a reverent feeling in Granny and Grandad’s house. Oliver had been looking forward to this special family home evening all day.

“Our lesson is about the plan of happiness that Heavenly Father made for all of us,” Grandad said. “Tonight the kitchen is going to represent heaven, where we lived with Heavenly Father before we came to live on earth,” he said.

“Was I there, Grandad?” asked Archie. Oliver looked around the room at Granny and Grandad, Mum and Dad, and his younger brothers, Archie and Ethan.

“Yes,” Grandad said. “We were all there. And when Heavenly Father told us about His plan to create a world and to send a Savior for us, we were so happy that we shouted for joy.”

Archie and Ethan laughed and jumped up and down.

“Who was the first person in our family to leave heaven and come to earth?” Grandad asked.

“You were,” Oliver said.

Grandad left the kitchen. Next Granny left. Then one by one each member of Oliver’s family joined them in the bedroom.

“This room is going to represent the earth,” Granny said. “What are some of the things we can do here to help us return to Heavenly Father?” she asked.

“Be baptized,” Oliver said.

“Go to the temple,” Mum said.

“Choose the right,” Archie said.

Granny nodded and smiled. Then she said it was time to leave the earth and return back to Heavenly Father.

“I’ll go first,” Grandad said.

“Oh, Grandad, don’t leave!” Ethan said.

“Don’t worry,” Grandad said. “Leaving the earth is part of Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness. Soon we’ll be back together again.”

One by one, everyone went back into the kitchen. “We’re all back in heaven!” Dad said as Archie and Ethan ran into his arms.

Oliver felt as glad to see his family as if he had been away from them for a long time. He ran over to hug his brothers and Mum and Dad. Now he understood why Grandad had called it Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness.
