Family Home Evening Ideas
February 2014

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Liahona, Feb. 2014, 3

Family Home Evening Ideas

This issue contains articles and activities that could be used for family home evening. The following are two ideas.

“Noah,” page 10: Consider telling the story of Noah using shadow puppets. In a dark room, shine a light (such as a flashlight) on the wall. You and your family can use your arms and hands to make shadow shapes on the wall to tell about the boat, animals, rain, dove, and rainbow. Considering finishing the activity by discussing ways we can follow our living prophets today and singing “Follow the Prophet” (Children’s Songbook, 110–11) or another song about prophets.

“Best Family Forever,” page 68: Consider holding an activity that will strengthen the friendships among family members. You might paint, like Olivia and Jane did, or work on another project. Afterwards, you could discuss how to deal with peer pressure and reflect on the blessings of building strong friendships within your family. You might talk about people from the scriptures who were strengthened by their friendships with family members: Mary and Elisabeth, Nephi and Sam, and Joseph and Hyrum Smith, for example.

In Your Language

The Liahona and other Church materials are available in many languages at languages.lds.org.
