“Be Helpful,” Liahona, June 2014, 71
Following Jesus
Be Helpful
What Jesus Taught
One day Jesus was teaching about what we should do when someone asks for our help. He said we should do or give even more than the person asks for. Find out why this is called “going the second mile” by reading Jesus’s words in Matthew 5:40–42.
Following Jesus Today
One night my brother and sister and I started cleaning up the whole house. Then my dad came in and said it was time for bed. In the morning I woke up and my mom said, “Thank you for cleaning up the house.”
Elizabeth C., age 8, Alberta, Canada
I like to help people. When my mother participates in a service activity, I like to go with her and help.
“Helping Hands,” Luis N., age 6, Chihuahua, Mexico