Making Music in Uganda
June 2014

“Making Music in Uganda,” Liahona, June 2014, 72–73

Making Music in Uganda

Conduct the music in front of everybody? George can handle it.

Not many children serve in a Church calling before they graduate from Primary. But George N.[space]from Uganda was only five years old when he was called to be the chorister in his branch.

The chorister is the person who stands up in front of everybody during sacrament meeting to lead the singing. It’s an important job!

“I used to be very nervous when I was younger,” George says. But even then he always did his best. He improved every week. Before long he was leading the music confidently.

George enjoys serving in his calling. “I feel good,” he says. “I feel like the Spirit is inside the room.”

Music is a big part of George’s life. He also plays the piano and guitar. Of course, it helps that George comes from a musical family. They all love singing together—George, his parents, his six sisters, and his one brother. From oldest to youngest their names are Rosillah, Mirriam, Nancy, Ashley, George, Chayene, Onidah, and Gideon. Their favorite song to sing as a family is “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook,12).

Now that George is 12, he is busy during part of sacrament meeting when he helps pass the sacrament. His younger brother, Gideon, age 5, helps out by conducting the music some of the time. George taught Gideon how.

Both brothers smile happily when they lead the music. They know they are helping bring the Spirit into the meeting.

music, Family History–I Am Doing

Photographs courtesy of Karl and Robin Beckle; illustrations by Phyllis Luch and Bradley Clark
