undefined undefined Adjustments Begin in January for Young Adult Devotionals
Adjustments Begin in January for Young Adult Devotionals
November 2014

“Adjustments Begin in January for Young Adult Devotionals,” Liahona, November 2014, 127

Adjustments Begin in January for Young Adult Devotionals

The First Presidency and the Church Board of Education have announced adjustments to the frequency, location, and publication of devotionals for young adults, effective January 2015. Adjustments include:

Name: Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults: An Evening with (name of speaker).

Frequency: Three times a year, on the second Sunday in January, the first Sunday in May, and the second Sunday in September.

Audience: All young adults, both married and single, are invited to attend. Students finishing high school or the equivalent are also invited to attend.

Locations: January devotionals will be held at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah; at BYU–Idaho; or at BYU–Hawaii. May devotionals will be held in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City or at other sites at Church headquarters. September devotionals will be held at other locations in the United States.

Publication: Within a few days after each devotional, the talks in text, audio, and video formats will be available in English on LDS.org and the Gospel Library app, in a new Young Adult collection. Language versions will follow. Summaries of the talks will be included in the Liahona and Ensign, and a variety of text quotes, picture quotes (memes), and video highlights will also be published live and after the devotional through the Church’s social media channels, including the speaker’s specific social pages.

Speakers will continue to be chosen by the First Presidency from among the General Authorities and general officers of the Church.

Adjustments were announced to young adults during the CES devotional on November 2, 2014, and to priesthood leaders in an August 28, 2014, First Presidency letter that included the 2015 Broadcast Schedule.