undefined undefined Help Available for Those Affected by a Loved One’s Addiction
Help Available for Those Affected by a Loved One’s Addiction
November 2014

“Help Available for Those Affected by a Loved One’s Addiction,” Liahona, November 2014, 127

Help Available for Those Affected by a Loved One’s Addiction

Spouses and families affected by a loved one’s addictive behaviors can turn to a new online guide to find help, hope, and healing.

The Spouse and Family Support Guide, located at AddictionRecovery.lds.org, is intended to help spouses and family members heal from challenges they experience because of the addictive behaviors of loved ones involved with drugs, alcohol, pornography, or other harmful substances or practices. In addition to English, it will soon be available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

The guide is split into 12 sections focused on healing, increasing hope, and finding strength through Jesus Christ.

Many practical suggestions are provided, such as how to set limits and rules, how to discuss addiction and recovery with a loved one, and how to appropriately respond to a relapse.

The guide is used for discussion in confidential spouse and family support group meetings offered by LDS Family Services. It can also be used for personal study or used by Church leaders when interviewing and counseling.