undefined undefined Tributes from President Boyd K. Packer’s Funeral
Tributes from President Boyd K. Packer’s Funeral
President Boyd K. Packer

“Tributes from President Boyd K. Packer’s Funeral,” Liahona, September 2015

Tributes from President Boyd K. Packer’s Funeral

July 10, 2015, Salt Lake Tabernacle

“It is to the family, especially to the grandchildren and the great-grandchildren, I wish to speak. …

“As Grandpa, who describes himself as an ordinary man, embarked on the journey of life with his sweetheart, he decided to give the Lord that which the Lord would never ask for nor take. Grandpa willingly gave his agency to the Lord. He committed to whatever the Lord asked him to do. With this gift to God, the Lord began to mold this couple to become extraordinary servants. …

“Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, when the right time comes, Grandpa’s spirit will fit back into his body, never to be separated again. This is called the Resurrection. I know that Grandpa still is alive and that if we live worthy, we will see him again. …

“Grandpa has a deep testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He knows it is true.”

Elder Allan F. Packer of the Seventy, son

“As I have often said of [President Packer], he is an Apostle of the Lord, from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet. He wore out his life in the service of the Savior of the world. …

“President Packer was a true shepherd of the General Authorities, which endeared us to him. He often reminded the Brethren to ‘pay attention to what your wife says. When she says you’re tired, you’re tired. When she says you don’t feel well, you don’t feel well.’ …

“Those of us who had the privilege to know Boyd K. Packer personally were constantly impressed by his sense of humor and quick wit. Somehow he would have an appropriate and humorous response to almost any situation. …

“Boyd K. Packer was a great defender of the Church and kingdom of God and a teacher of the pure doctrine of Jesus Christ.”

Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

“In addition to his sacred calling as an Apostle, President Packer will best be remembered as a teacher. He was always teaching. He taught by example. He taught by talks and books. He taught by individual counsel. And he taught in small groups. …

“He always taught entire loyalty to the leadership and decisions of the President of the Church. …

“He taught that the study of doctrine will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior. This encouraged us to teach doctrine and principle, rather than rules. …

“He repeatedly reminded the Twelve of the importance of each individual member of the Church, especially those who were struggling financially. He sometimes said, ‘We should always act as if they are present here in our councils.’ …

“His fervent testimony and his unusual gifts of seership were an inspiring example to all of us.”

Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

“During the past 50-plus years, [President Packer and I] served together on dozens of committees and Church bodies and boards. We filled countless assignments together throughout the world. Our friendship is one of long standing.

“Boyd Kenneth Packer knew the Lord, and the Lord knew him. I have a firm testimony of this truth. He was inspired and talented as a teacher. …

“He possessed the ability to turn complex ideas into language easily understood by all. He taught with power and with authority.

“President Packer’s deep and abiding testimony of the Savior and of the gospel has been heard throughout the world and has touched and blessed countless lives. He fulfilled the scriptural mandate to ‘lift up the hands which hang down’ (Hebrews 12:12). He remembered the fatherless and the widows in their affliction. He gave of himself for the blessing of others. He lived, as he taught, after the pattern of the Savior whom he served. …

“His eternal spirit is now free from a body worn by work and impaired by illness. He has gone to that paradise for which he is so well qualified. He leaves to his family and to all of us who knew him a legacy of Christlike love and devoted service. From the islands of the sea, from the hamlets in faraway places with strange-sounding names, from the hearths and the homes of the many whose lives he blessed comes a resounding expression of gratitude: ‘Thank you, Father, for such a man as Boyd K. Packer.’”

President Thomas S. Monson