undefined undefined What should I do if close family and friends question the Church and fall away?
What should I do if close family and friends question the Church and fall away?
September 2017

“What should I do if close family and friends question the Church and fall away?” Liahona, September 2017

What should I do if close family and friends question the Church and fall away?

young man walking up to chapel

If people close to you begin to question whether the Church is true, love them and stay strong. When they talk with you about the Church, focus on what they’re feeling rather than proving you’re right. Don’t make them feel ashamed for having questions or doubts. Don’t act shocked or hurt, even if that’s how you feel. If possible, talk to them about their questions calmly and try to help them find answers and to hold onto the faith, belief, and testimony they do have (for help, see lds.org/go/91763).

If someone wants nothing more to do with the Church, your relationship doesn’t need to end. Love them, be kind to them, and pray for them. If the Church and the gospel aren’t things you share with them anymore, hold onto things you do share. Let them know you care about them, not just their association with the Church. But don’t give up on your own spiritual goals, either. Try to lift them up, but don’t let them bring you down.