undefined undefined With help, I’ve repented of repeated sins. But I’m afraid I’ll fall back. How can I resist temptation and stay happy?
With help, I’ve repented of repeated sins. But I’m afraid I’ll fall back. How can I resist temptation and stay happy?
September 2017

“With help, I’ve repented of repeated sins. But I’m afraid I’ll fall back. How can I resist temptation and stay happy?” Liahona, September 2017

With help, I’ve repented of repeated sins. But I’m afraid I’ll fall back. How can I resist temptation and stay happy?

Replace your fear with faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, in His power to lift and transform you, and in His love and mercy. Remember Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and Their goodness to you. Be humble, pray, study the scriptures, and be faithful. (See Mosiah 4:11–12.) Then you can have joy, which is “the gift that comes from intentionally trying to live a righteous life, as taught by Jesus Christ.”1

Complete repentance can be challenging. It often takes time, especially if you’ve sinned repeatedly. Avoid situations that bring temptation. You may need to change your daily routine, your surroundings, and your friends. If you slip, remember that you can still repent and change. Keep trying. Your Heavenly Father and your Savior won’t give up on you. “The Atonement …can wash clean every stain no matter how difficult or how long or how many times repeated.”2


  1. Russell M. Nelson, “Joy and Spiritual Survival,” Liahona, Nov. 2016, 84.

  2. Boyd K. Packer, “The Plan of Happiness,” Liahona, May 2015, 28.