Ready to Help!
March 2018

“Ready to Help!” Liahona, March 2018

Shine Your Light

Ready to Help!

Ready to Help

Hi, my name is Aaron, from British Columbia, Canada. I try to let my light shine by being ready to help! If something needs to be done, I’m ready!

Three Languages

My daddy is from Hong Kong, and my mommy is from Guangxi, China. I speak three languages—Cantonese, Mandarin, and English. In my branch, we speak Cantonese and Mandarin in sacrament meeting, and we combine with an English-speaking branch for Primary.

Hymnbook Helper

Every Sunday I help the missionaries pass out the programs. I make sure everyone gets one. If someone doesn’t have a hymnbook, I take them one so they can sing.

Getting It Done

Sometimes we have activities at church, and I always stay to help put the chairs and tables away. When we have the Primary sacrament meeting program, I like saying my part.

Future Missionary

I’m excited to go on a mission someday. My Primary teacher said that we could start saving money now. So I’ve been saving money in my mission piggy bank.

Praying with Grandpa

I know that prayer is very important. When my grandpa stayed with my sister and me when my parents were out of town, I made sure that we always said our prayers.
