The Temple Brings Us and Our Ancestors Joy
October 2018

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The Temple Brings Us and Our Ancestors Joy

A few months ago, members of the Daveyton Third Branch, of the Benoni South Africa Stake, experienced firsthand the thrill of researching their own family histories and performing sacred ordinances for their ancestors in the Johannesburg South Africa Temple.

The project began in earnest last April as branch members became at first interested and then determined to discover the spirit of Elijah in their own lives and in the lives of their families. The Church’s family history tools—especially the new and easy-to-use Family Tree Lite website at lite.fs.org—enabled the branch members to research their ancestors’ names and key dates and then record those individuals as branches in their own family tree.

Branch members were aided by Elder Gordon and Sister Susan Foote, who are a senior missionary couple assigned to the Daveyton Third Branch. “We got behind this effort and supported the goal of the branch president (Edward Mtshali) for branch members to find at least one of their own family names and then perform baptismal ordinances in the Johannesburg Temple,” Sister Foote explained.

Elder Foote began by helping more than 40 branch members register online and obtain individual FamilySearch accounts. Then an Africa Southeast Area senior missionary couple, Elder Dennis and Sister Merrily Bird, who are area family history specialists, traveled to the branch several weeks in a row, helping complete registrations, teaching key concepts, and assisting members with their questions. They also taught branch members how to enter family history information themselves through the Family Tree Lite website on their personal cell phones.

Once members had properly entered the names and information of their ancestors, they scheduled a day trip for Saturday, April 21, 2018, to travel to the Johannesburg South Africa Temple to complete proxy baptism and confirmations. With the distance from Daveyton to the temple being about 50 kilometers—and with few members owning cars—transportation was a key issue. Branch members made and sold African greeting cards to pay for public transportation to and from the temple.

All their hard work and planning paid off and on that very special day, 25 branch members journeyed to the temple and completed baptisms and confirmation ordinances for 66 of their ancestors. The spirit of Elijah poured forth.

Back in Daveyton the next day, Sunday, April 22, 2018, President Mtshali invited all who desired to share their testimonies of the experience. Many in that meeting could not hold back tears as they listened to the testimonies that were shared about the preparation and research—but especially their experiences in the temple. Here are some of the comments:

  • “I saw angels in the temple. I felt my ancestors’ presence.”

  • “I told my mother of a dream I had the day before going to the temple, of being in the temple and seeing all the people in the temple, including my ancestors.”

  • “If I had any doubts about the Church before, they all left after I went in the temple.”

  • “During my confirmation, I felt my aunt and my sister-in-law were present.”

  • “I felt a presence in the temple I never felt before.”

  • “While going to the temple yesterday I felt a spirit and joy that was like I feel it will be like at His Second Coming.”

  • “I was baptized by my husband for his mother. I express genuine gratitude to him and his honorable use of his priesthood.”

  • “I had to be baptized seven times for one ancestor. She must have been troubled on the other side. It was worth it to know she has the gospel now. I was very scared to be baptized so many times, but now I am happy.”

  • “Yesterday I was baptized for my great-grandmother. I know she loves me and when we meet on the other side she will thank me.”

  • “I followed in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and used my priesthood to baptize and was baptized myself.”

  • “Having my young priest-aged brother baptize me was frightening, but I did it and we both were so very happy.”

  • “It was truly wonderful. I can’t even find words to express my joy.”

  • “The temple brings us joy and our ancestors joy.”
